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  • Writer's pictureGabrielle M. Gangadhar

RADICAL or Ridiculous Faith?

Updated: Apr 12, 2020

George Muller, a Christian evangelist who lived during the early 1800s in Europe is a man of radical faith. He established orphanages in Bristol, England and founded the Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad. One particular day, he had the children pray at the table and thank God for the food when there was NOTHING on the table or in the orphanage to eat. A little while after that there was a knock on the door and an individual reported that they were driving a bread truck that had broken down and asked if they could take some of the bread so that it wouldn't spoil! God knows our needs.

1. Are we radical in our faith?

2. Are we willing to look ridiculous by placing our entire faith in God?

3. What is your faith in? Job, family, house, car, or money in the bank?

I pray we will venture out and take a hold of RADICAL FAITH today!

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